On Sanctification

Ok, can I ask you a question?

I know that motherhood is a high calling (so is fatherhood); I’m grateful to be a mom; I love my children…

But WHY… pray tell… DO I WANT TO PULL MY HAIR OUT at the end of many a day??

On Sanctification - Ordinary|Awesome blog

(Yes, that’s Levi’s underwear next to Morgan’s toast. Do you understand what I’m saying now?? They were clean, ok, people. Keeping it real.)

I realize I’m letting it all hang out a bit, but I already told you my drawer story, so I figure we’re like kindred spirits or something.

I had the fleeting thought yesterday morning that maybe my kids would be better off with a different mom. And I had actual people in mind who I think are doing it better than I am – maybe you do too?

On Sanctification - Ordinary|Awesome blog

Here’s what I almost audibly heard in my spirit – “I did not give your kids to those people – I gave them to you because you were the best mom for them.”

I have three kids. God gave them to me even though He knew that they would bring out the crazy in me. No, let’s be honest and use words the Bible uses – the sin in me. And He still gave them to me. Nothing He does is random. Ever. So there must be a reason.

On Sanctification - Ordinary|Awesome blog

Later in the day I read I Peter 1:2. Peter is writing to God’s elect “who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to be obedient to Jesus Christ and sprinkled with his blood.”

The whole Trinity is present here – God the Father foreknew that I would be chosen through the sanctification of the Holy Spirit to be obedient to Jesus. Through sanctification to be obedient.

On Sanctification - Ordinary|Awesome blog

From what I can figure my kids are part of my sanctification. As Beth Moore has said – God “is committed to bringing out the worst in me so that He can work it out!” (Living Beyond Yourself, Session 6.) I should be thankful! This is growing me and making me more like Jesus – making me obedient to Him – which is what I’ve been chosen to do! This is my calling and the calling of every believer!

So maybe it’s not kids for you – maybe it’s siblings, relatives, co-workers, schoolmates, roommates bringing out the worst in you… Whoever it is growing your patience or other virtues in you (how’d you like that positive outlook??), here’s a thought:

“If we are paired up in conflict, it is not only the other person who needs to change.” – Beth Moore


We have a choice to make (I sense a theme here… choices again…) – to see our sin when it comes up, confess it, ask for help and deal with it… Or take the slow and painful route. Because He’s after these areas, folks. The easy way or the hard way – it’s our choice. And boy, am I preaching this to myself. It’s about time to get down to business and deal with some serious stuff or it is going to get hard for us. He’s not going to give up – He’s after our hearts, sanctified.


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Need help? Try this:

STOP – before or in the middle of whatever you’re doing that is sinful, STOP.
VERSE – if you know you struggle in an area, pick a verse to memorize on the topic and write it out on a card. Say that over to yourself!
PRAY – pray for help obeying what the Word of God is telling you! The Holy Spirit will help!
OBEY – CHOOSE to obey.

We can know change is happening when we behave differently in the same situation. Change is possible!

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If you’re interested in the scripture cards or print in the picture above, check out Jones Design Company! One of my very favorite blogs! The print is part of her archive free to email subscribers. Not a paid advertisement – I just love her stuff 🙂

One thought on “On Sanctification

  1. Lauren,
    I can relate to this post on every. single. freaking. level.

    For real, for real. You speak my language sister. Thanks for your honesty – there are so many of us moms in the same life situation struggling through and desperate to seek God in it all.

    Thanks for your words!


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